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Moonlight Low Table / Layered Wood & Microcement

£3,300 Sold

The moon's eternal cycle promises an end to every beginning - and equally signifies the promise of beginning wherever there is an end.

This piece is inspired by, and dedicated to, my father - who passed away in 2019. This incident brought me in contact with the fragility of one's life and death, as well as the Buddhist notion of cyclical rebirth.

With this in mind, the form is defined by 3 movements:

1) Two mirrored paths (father and son) - with a beginning and end,

2) An arc, that bridges the divide between them (life and death),

3) An ellipse: the eternal cycle that transcends one's present circumstance (rebirth).

The Moonlight Low Table is produced from layered wood and finished in a hand applied, microcement coating. Presented in a soft, neutral tone with subtle warmth.

This item measures 37(h) x 100(d) x 200(w) cm and weighs approximately 80 Kg

For enquiries, please email ally.byars@hotmail.co.uk